
Online home of Jeremy Scheff

My greatest technical accomplishment

Since this is my blog, it makes sense to talk about the greatest technical accomplishment of my life.

...except I already wrote a long blog post about it. Just not here, over on the Basketball GM blog.

TLDR: I got an order of magnitude performance improvement out of a mature piece of software, with no negative tradeoffs from an end user perspective.

Upgrading Prebid.js from 0.34 to 1.x when using the Index Exchange adapter

Over at Basketball GM, when I upgraded Prebid.js from 0.34 to 1.x, most of the bid adapters could just be easily copied over. Index Exchange was the one exception. For a while it wasn't availble at all on 1.x, but that changed with version 1.10.0, released a few weeks ago. However it requires some changes to your configuration to upgrade from 0.34 to 1.10+, and I found the documentation to be a bit lacking, so I wrote a blog post!


How I almost got a job with the Sixers, and a Twitter analysis of the 2015 NBA draft class

As you may know, I wrote this cool basketball video game and work as a data scientist. A couple years ago, back in the Hinkie era when the Sixers were a forward-thinking organization, someone in the Sixers front office noticed those two things about me and asked me to apply for a job. It was a somewhat long and unclear process. They didn't seem to know what they were hiring for or what their criteria were (or maybe they did and I was just a bad fit). Regardless, eventually I didn't get the job, but as part of the application I did a mini analysis project, and 2 years out, I figure I might as well share that.


I switched to a static site generator, and you don't care

...except possibly to the extent of making fun of me for being a hypocrite. Beyond that, I will spare you the typical post about all the amazing reasons I switched to a static site generator. Check out the code if you're actually interested.

Side projects galore

God damn, I've been neglecting this blog. It's sad really, because I do have a lot to say. I guess I've just been talking to myself instead of blogging lately, which maybe says something about my mental stability, but whatever. I'm blogging now, and I'm going to blog the fuck out of this blog.

It's 2016. My job is pretty cool in some ways, but in some other ways it bothers me a great deal. It's probably not in my best interest to go into that in great detail here (as if anyone is reading this, right?) so I will leave the rest unsaid, and just get to the broader point. I am someone who cares a great deal about science, engineering, creating cool things, doing things the right way, etc. And when I say "cares a great deal" I mean probably more than I can adequately articulate with my pedestrian writing skills. It's almost like a spiritual thing. So for someone like me, what do you do when your day job is preventing you from attaining your desired level of spiritual satisfaction?

Side projects!


The Bishop Sankey Diagram

Or, my best pun ever:

Basic income vs. basic job

Chris Stucchio wrote an article about the differences between basic income and basic job policies, based on relatively straightforward math. Briefly, basic income says give everyone money with no strings attached and get rid of other forms of welfare. Basic job is the same, except anyone who can work is mandated to work, either in a normal job like today or in a New Deal-style government works program.

Chris's main conclusion was that basic job came out looking way better than basic income. Additionally, a major purpose of his post was to encourage other people to play around with the math as well rather than just bloviating. Since I'm a big basic income proponent and have some quibbles with how he came to conclude that basic income doesn't look too good, I will follow his lead and play around with the math.



If you like hip hop and you want to laugh, check out this thing I made.

Otherwise, please move along.

The Large Hardon Collider

The Large Hadron Collider is a marvel of modern technology. It is also an endless source of juvenile amusement, since the word "hadron" is very similar to "hardon". The Large Hadron Collider was built by the European research organization CERN ("CERN" means "science" in European). At CERN's official website, there are currently 141 articles which mistakenly use the word "hardon" instead of "hadron". The first result is the title of one poor guy's PhD thesis.

Model-based insights into distinguishing cortisol profiles in depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


One of my main scientific goals is the application of mathematical models to find interesting insights into biological systems. This is a really broad goal, as depending on the area, there may be very different ways to gain insight. Here, I want to discuss one example, an interesting paper by Sriram and coworkers that was published in PLOS Computational Biology last year entitled "Modeling cortisol dynamics in the neuro-endocrine axis distinguishes normal, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in humans".


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